5 surf lessons for £180


There is no denying the fact that the fastest way to learn how to surf or improve your surfing ability is to practise intensively. This allows you to gain confidence in the water, develop good muscle memory and build upon your ocean experience which is a fundamental component of becoming a good surfer.


Why five lessons?

Unfortunately, most people only come to visit St Ives for a week at a time and five x2 hour intense surfing sessions can be quite tiring so we factored in a days rest too. This will also allow some extra time for you to get on the water on your own between lessons and practise independently which is highly beneficial to the development process.

Advanced Surf Lesson St Ives

What will we cover in five lessons?

We are the only surf school in the UK that offers a bespoke surfing programme that caters for a variety of surfing abilities and also offers students the opportunity to progress onto new challenges and skills after every lesson. 

Level one — Basic safety, how to catch waves, prone surfing and standing up

Level two — Recap on all the basics, standing up for longer and control skills

Level three — Surfing Independently in white water, turning left and right and generating more speed. 

Level four — Introduction to green waves, surf etiquette, paddling out the back

Level five — Independently surfing out the back, trimming left and right, board and equipment selection

Green wave Lesson
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